Deepak Kumar

6. Mother's (Durga) Revile to Brahma

Mother Durga asked Brahma, "Did you see your dad?" Brahma stated, "Indeed, I have seen father." Durga stated, "Disclose to me any witness." At that point Brahma stated, "I saw him before these two." The Goddess(देवी) asked those two young ladies, "Did he see Brahm(ब्रह्म ,काल ) before you?" At that point the two stated, "Truly, we have witnesses firsthand." Bhavani(माता दूर्गा, भवानी) (Prakriti) wound up plainly suspicious. She imagined that Kaal disclosed to me that he could never show up anybody, however these three are stating that they have seen him! Ashtangi pondered and asked Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan) by clairvoyance, "What is this story?" Jyoti Niranjan stated, "These three are lying." At that point, mother told them three, "You are lying. An ethervoice (aakashvaani) has announced that these three have not gotten any group of onlookers." On hearing this, Brahma (ब्रह्मा) stated, "Mother, I had pledged to go looking for father (Brahm). Be that as it may, I didn't see him (Brahm). I was embarrassed about coming back to you. Thusly, we lied." At that point Mother (Durga) stated, "Now I will revile you." 

Revile on Brahma: You won't be adored on the planet. Your descendents will be cheats. They will con individuals by their deceptive and false talks. They will have all the earmarks of being doing religious services from outside, however will confer indecencies from inside. They will tell stories from the Purans, however themselves will have no information about reality expressed in the Satgranths (genuine sacred writings/blessed books). Inspite of that they will move toward becoming masters to pick up regard and cash and will describe lokved (gossip/unmerited stories instead of the genuine sacred texts) to their supporters. They will bear hardships by venerating and influencing others to adore divine beings and goddesses and by reprimanding others. They won't manage the correct way to their supporters. They will cheat the world for cash. They will view themselves as unrivaled and others as inferiors. At the point when Brahma heard this from mother, he swooned and fell on the ground. He came into cognizance after quite a while. 

Revile on Gayatri: You will move toward becoming dairy animals on Earth and will have many bulls as your male accomplices. 

Revile on Puhapvati: You will develop in overwhelm. No one will utilize your blooms for venerating. You should encounter this damnation for your false proclamation. Your name will be 'Kevra Ketki' (in Haryana, it is called 'Kusaundhi'. This develops in a marshyland). 

Mother Bhavani (Durga) apologized subsequent to reviling them three. {Similarly, an individual initially plays out a wrong deed under the impact of brain (Kaal Niranjan), and when later acknowledges under the impact of soul (some portion of Sat Purush), at that point apologizes. Like, guardians beat their youngsters for a little oversight in view of outrage, yet later atone a ton. This marvel is available in all the individuals in view of the impact of psyche (Kaal Niranjan)}. 

Indeed, here one thing is imperative that Niranjan (Kaal-Brahm) has additionally made his law that if any living being will hurt a weaker living being, at that point he should pay for it. 

Revile on Durga: When Durga reviled Brahma, Gayatri and Puhapvati, at that point Alakh Niranjan (Brahm - Kaal) stated, "Gracious, Durga! What you did was wrong." Now, I (Niranjan) revile you that you will have five spouses in Dwaparyug. (Draupadi was an incarnation of Aadi Maya as it were). Aadi Maya, on hearing this ethervoice, said that Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal), I am at your pity now, do whatever you wish.
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5. Brahma's Undertaking to Inquiry His Dad Brahm

At that point Durga said to Brahma that Alakh Niranjan is your dad yet he won't show up before you. Brahma stated, "I will return simply in the wake of seeing him." Mother asked, "What will you do on the off chance that you don't get the opportunity to see him?" Brahma stated, "I vow that in the event that I don't see father, at that point I won't come before you." On saying this words, Brahma(ब्रह्मा ) restlessly left towards North where there is haziness all over. There, Brahma contemplated for four yugas (ages), however did not accomplish anything. 

Through an ethervoice Kaal stated, "Durga, why has the creation not been done?" Bhavani (भवानी )said that your eldest child, Brahma(ब्रह्मा ) has stubbornly gone looking for you. Brahm (Kaal) stated, "Get soon errand of formation of living creatures is unimaginable without Brahma." At that point Durga (दूर्गा )(Prakriti-प्रकृति), with her oath control, made a young lady called 'Gayatri' and requested her to bring Brahma back. Gayatri went to Brahma yet he was reflecting and did not feel her essence. At that point Prakriti, by clairvoyance, advised Gayatri to touch Brahma's feet and Gayatri did likewise. Brahma's contemplation got exasperates and he angrily stated, "Who is this miscreant who has interfered with my reflection, I will revile you." Gayatri stated that It isn't her blame. To begin with, hear me out and after that you may revile me. Mother has sent me to bring you back in light of the fact that living creatures can't be made without you." Brahma stated, "How might I return? I have not seen father and will be derided on the off chance that I return this way. On the off chance that you say before mother that Brahma has seen father (Jyoti Niranjan) and be my observer then I will come back with you." Gayatri(गायत्री ) said that in the event(घटना) that you will engage in sexual relations with me, at that point I will be your false witness. Brahma suspected that I couldn't see father and will feel embarrassed before mother on the off chance that I return this way. Seeing no other way out, he sexed with Gayatri. 

At that point Gayatri stated, "Let us set one up more witness." Brahma stated, "That would be great." Gayatri made another young lady named 'Puhapvati' by her pledge control. Both advised her to affirm that Brahma saw his dad. Puhapvati stated, "For what reason would it be a good idea for me to give false articulation? Indeed, if Brahma does intercourse with me, at that point I can be his false witness(झूठा गवाह)." Gayatri influenced Brahma that there was no other way out. Brahma sexed with Puhapvati, and afterward the three came to Durga (Aadi Maya/Prakriti). 

The two ladies had kept the previously mentioned condition since they realized that if Brahma would uncover their false articulations to mother, at that point mother would revile them. In this way, they made him an offender as well.
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4. Brahm's (Kaal) Promise to Remain Unmanifested

After the introduction of the three children, Brahm said to his significant other, Durga (Prakriti), "I promise that in future, I won't show up before anybody in my genuine shape. Because of which, I will be thought about unmanifested/imperceptible." He said to Durga, "Don't reveal my mystery to anybody. I will stay shrouded." Durga asked, "Will you not show up before your children as well?" Brahm stated, "I won't show up before my children and any other individual by any method for revere. This will be my perpetual strategy." Durga stated, "This arrangement of yours that you will stay escaped your children too isn't great." At that point Kaal stated, "Durga, I am defenseless. I have been reviled to eat one-lakh people. In the event that my children (Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh) will wind up noticeably mindful of this then they won't play out the undertaking of creation, protection, and obliteration. In this way, this awful strategy of mine will remain until the end of time. At the point when these three children grow up a bit, make them oblivious. Try not to enlighten them concerning me; else, I will rebuff you." Frightful of this, Durga does not come clean. 

In this manner, in Gita Adhyay 7, Shlok 24, it is said that these silly individuals are new to my awful arrangement that I never show up anybody and stay covered up by my Yog Maya. Accordingly, they consider the unmanifested me as having come in human shape i.e. think about me Krishna. 

(AbuddhyH) absurd individuals (mm ) my (anuttamm ) terrible i.e. substandard (avyyam') everlasting (param bhavam ) principle character (ajaanantH) not knowing (mam avyaktam') the unmanifested me (vyaktim ) in human frame (aapannam ) having come (manyante) consider i.e. I am not Krishna. Interpretation: Absurd individuals, not knowing my terrible i.e. mediocre, interminable, principle character, consider the unmanifested/undetectable me as having come in human shape i.e. I am not Krishna. (Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 24) 

In Gita Adhyay 11, Shlok 47 and 48, it is said that - this is my real Kaal shape. It's not possible for anyone to see this i.e. accomplish Brahm by any strategy said in the Vedas, or by reflection, compensation or by some other movement. 

At the point when the three kids ended up noticeably youthful, at that point mother Durga (Prakriti/Ashtangi) stated, "You may stir the sea". At the point when the sea was beaten out of the blue, (Jyoti Niranjan made four Vedas with his breaths and requested them by mystery discourse to dwell in the sea) four Vedas turned out and Brahma took them all. At the point when the three youngsters conveyed the Vedas to mother, she said that Brahma may keep the four Vedas and read them. 

Note: in all actuality, God Kabir had given five Vedas to Brahm i.e. Kaal. Be that as it may, Brahm showed just four Vedas. He concealed the fifth Ved. Subsequently Preeminent God, without anyone else showing up on earth, has showed the fifth Ved through KavirgirbhiH i.e Kavir Vaani (Kabir Discourse) by methods for adages and couplets. 

On beating the sea the second time, three young ladies turned out. Mother Durga circulated all the three. Prakriti (Durga) obtained her own three different structures (Savitri, Lakshmi and Parvati) and covered up in the sea. At that point her three structures turned out amid stirring of the sea. That same Prakriti gained three structures and was given as 'Savitri' to god Brahma, 'Lakshmi' to god Vishnu and 'Parvati' to god Shankar, as spouses. The three couples at that point did intercourse and brought forth the two divine beings and evil presences. 

{When the sea was agitated the third time, Brahma got fourteen pearls; Vishnu and different divine beings got 'nectar'. Evil spirits got liquor and the noble Shiva put away the 'venom' in his throat. This happened a considerable measure afterwards.} 

At the point when Brahma began perusing the Vedas, he found that the Ace (Purush) Divine force of the ancestry, the Maker of all the brahmands is another person. Brahma told Vishnu and Shiv that Vedas depict some other God as the Maker, however Vedas likewise say that even they don't have the foggiest idea about the secret. For that there is a sign to ask some Tatvdarshi Holy person (A holy person having genuine profound information). Brahma came to mother Durga and described everything to her. Before this Mother Durga used to state that there is nobody else other than her. She is the sole practitioner. She is the All-powerful. Brahma said that Vedas have been made by God, they can't be false and they uncover some other God . At the point when Brahma focused on that Vedas uncover some other God, Durga said that your dad has sworn that he will never show up you. At that point Brahma stated, "Mother, I don't believe you now. I will without a doubt discover that God." On this Durga stated, "What will you do on the off chance that he doesn't show. 

Be that as it may, Jyoti Niranjan has promised that I would remain unmanifested; I could never show up anybody i.e. I could never show up in frame in my genuine 'Kaal' shape in the 21 brahmands. 

Gita, Adhyay no. 7, Shlok no. 24 

Avyaktam , vyaktim , aapannm , manyante, mam , abuddhyaH, Param , bhaavam , ajaanantH, mm, avyyam , anuttamm ||24 || 

Interpretation: (AbuddhyaH) silly individuals (mm) my (anuttamm ) awful/substandard (avyyam) changeless (param) prime (bhaavam ) character (ajaanantH) being uninformed of (avyaktam ) unmanifested/imperceptible (mam ) me, Kaal (vyaktim ) in shape incarnated as Krishna (aapannm) to have accomplished (manyante) consider. 

Interpretation: Silly individuals being unconscious of my awful, changeless and prime character, consider the unmanifested/undetectable me, Kaal, to have incarnated in frame as Krishna. 

Gita Adhyay no. 7 Shlok no. 25 

Na, aham , prakashH, sarvasya, yogmayasmavrtH, MoodH, ayam ,na, abhijanati, lokH, mam , ajam , avyyam || 25| 

Interpretation: (Aham) I (yogmaya smavrtH) covered up by Yogmaya (sarvasya) everybody (PrakashH) show up earlier (na) don't i.e. stay undetectable i.e. unmanifested, along these lines (ajam ) of not taking birth (avyyam ) interminable character (ayam ) this (moodH) uninformed (lokH) living creatures of the world (mam) me (na) not (abhijanati) knows i.e. consider me as having come in incarnation shape. 

Interpretation: I, covered up by Yogmaya, don't show up before everybody i.e. stay undetectable i.e. unmanifested, in this way, this oblivious world does not know me and my interminable character of not taking birth i.e. think of me as having come in incarnation shape. 

Since Brahm influences his various structures with his assertion to control; he is Durga's significant other, thusly is stating in this Shlok that I don't take birth from Durga like Sri Krishna and so on.
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3. What are the Three Gunas

The three gunas (qualities) are Rajgun Brahma, Satgun Vishnu, and Tamgun Shiv. They have taken birth from Brahm (Kaal) and Prakriti (Durga) and each of the three are perishable." 

Proof: - Shri Shiv Mahapuran, distributed from Gitapress Gorakhpur, altered by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar, Page no. 24 to 26, Vidhveshwar Sanhita, and page no. 110, Adhyay 9, Rudra Sanhita 

"Along these lines, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv, the three divine beings have qualities, yet Shiv (Brahm-Kaal) is said to be past qualities." 

Second proof: - Shrimad devibhagwat Puran, distributed from Gitapress Gorakhpur, altered by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar and Chiman Lal Goswami, Skand 3, Adhyay 5, page no.123 :- 

God Vishnu appealed to Durga: said that I (Vishnu), Brahma, and Shankar are existing by your beauty. We have birth (aavirbhaav) and demise (tirobhaav). We are not everlasting (interminable). Just you are endless, are the mother of the world (jagat janani), are Prakriti, and Goddess Sanatani (existing for time immemorial). God Shiv stated: If god Brahma and god Vishnu have taken birth from you, at that point am I, Shankar, who was conceived after them and perform Tamoguni leela (divine play), not your child? From now on, you are my mom as well. Your gunas are constantly present wherever in this current world's creation, conservation, and demolition. Conceived of these three gunas (qualities), we, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shankar, stay committed to work as per the directions. 

The previously mentioned depiction is from Shri Devi mahapuran which is just interpreted in Hindi, in which a portion of the realities have been covered. Thusly, see this very proof in Shrimad devibhagwat Mahapuran Sabhashtikam Smahatyam, Khemraj Shri Krishna Das Prakashan Mumbai. In this, Hindi interpretation is composed alongside Sanskrit. Skand 3, Adhyay 4, Page no. 10, Shlok 42:- 

Brahma Aham MaheshwarH fil te prabhawatsarve vyaM jani yuta na blah tu nityaH, Ke anye suraH shatmakh pramukhaH ch nitya twamev janani PrakritiH Purana ||(42)|| 

Interpretation :- Oh Mother! Brahma, I, and Shiv take birth from your impact just, are not everlasting i.e we are not interminable, at that point in what manner can other Indra and so forth, divine beings be endless. Just you are eternal, are Prakriti and Sanatani Devi (42). 

Page no. 11-12 Adhyay 5, Shlok 8: - 

Yadi dayardramna na sadambike kathamhaM vihitH ch tamogunaH Kamaljshch rajogunsambhavH suvihitH kimu satvguno HariH | |(8)|| 

Interpretation :- God Shankar stated, "Goodness Mother! On the off chance that you are thoughtful to us then for what reason did you make me Tamogun, for what reason did you make Brahma, who has started from lotus, Rajgun, and for what reason did you make Vishnu, Satgun?" i.e. for what reason did you draw in us in the malevolent deed of the birth and demise of the living 


Shlok 12: - Ramayse swapatiM purushM sada tav gatiM na hey vih vid am shive || (12)|| 

Interpretation: - You are continually doing sex with your better half purush i.e. Kaal God. No one knows your state. 

Conclusion: It has been demonstrated from the previously mentioned confirm that - Rajgun is Brahma, Satgun is Vishnu and Tamgun is Shiv. These three are perishable. Durga's significant other is Brahm (Kaal). This has additionally been demonstrated that Durga and Brahm (Kaal) are in shape. 

Brahma is Rajgun, Vishnu is Satgun and Shiv is Tamgun (Devibhagwat Puran, Shiv Puran, Markande Puran) 

The video underneath confirm from the Purans and demonstrates the accompanying 

1. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv are in birth and demise. They are NOT unfading. 

2. Brahma is Rajogun, Vishnu is Satogun and Shiv is Tamogun. 

3. Durga is their mom and Brahm (Kaal/SadaShiv) is their dad. 

4. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv just play out their assigned errands as indicated by the standards. They can't help out to anybody. They just give what is in one's fate. These divine beings can't roll out any improvements. 

5. Durga is likewise called Prakriti.
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2. Birth of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv

Kaal's constrained marriage with Durga, and birth of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv 

Subsequent to being removed from Satlok, Kaal (Brahm) said to Prakriti (Durga) that who can hurt me now? I will do what I need. Prakriti again argued him to have some disgrace. Right off the bat, you are my senior sibling since you (Brahm) were conceived from an egg by the word-energy of a similar God Kabir, and later I was additionally conceived from a similar God's statement. Besides, I have left your stomach, so I am your little girl now and you are my dad. It would be profoundly corrupt to insult these unadulterated connections. I have word control allowed by father. I will deliver the same number of living creatures as you will state with my pledge. Jyoti Niranjan disregarded Durga's all interests and said that I have just got the discipline I merited; I have been removed from Satlok. Presently I will do what ever I wish. On saying this, Kaal Purush (Kshar Purush) compellingly wedded Durga who at that point brought forth three children (Brahma - outfitted with Rajogun, Vishnu - furnished with Satogun and Shiv - outfitted with Tamogun). 

Kaal promised not to show up before anybody 

In the wake of wedding Durga, Kaal vowed that he would not show up before anybody starting now and into the foreseeable future. Kaal said to Durga that nobody would have the capacity to get a sight of me by any methods like recitation, contemplation and so forth.. I will stay covered up and play out every one of the assignments covertly through you and our three children (Brahma, Vishnu Shiv). 

Kaal keeps Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv in Numbness 

Brahm keeps the three children oblivious through Durga until the point that they grow up. When they grow up, Kaal (Brahm) expedites Brahma into awareness a lotus blossom, Vishnu on a snake bed (Shesh Shaiya) and Shiv on a Kailash mountain, and afterward amasses them together. From there on, Kaal gets these three offered by Prakriti (Durga), and chooses them (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv) as clergymen of one office each, in three loks {Heaven (Swarglok), Earth (Prithvilok) and Under world (Patal lok)}. In one brahmand Kaal makes Brahma the priest of Rajogun division, Vishnu of Satogun office and Shiv of Tamogun office, and himself furtively holds the post of a Central Priest as MahaBrahma – MahaVishnu – MahaShiv and in this way at last plays out every one of the assignments by means of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv. 

Facilitate depiction of One Brahmand  

In one Brahmand, Brahm has made one Brahmlok. In that, he has fabricated three mystery places. One is Rajogun-commanded put where this Brahm (Kaal) himself lives in MahaBrahma (boss clergyman) frame and keeps his better half Durga in MahaSavitiri shape. The child conceived from them in this place consequently moves toward becoming Rajoguni. The second place has been assembled Satogun-commanded. There this Kshar Purush himself lives in MahaVishnu shape and keeping his better half Durga in MahaLakshmi frame brings forth a child whom he names Vishnu. This youngster is invested with Satogun. This Kaal just has constructed a third place there ruled with Tamogun. There he himself lives in SadaShiv frame and keeps his significant other Durga in MahaParvati shape. They name the child conceived there from them as Shiv and supply him with Tamogun. (For reference see Sacred book Shiv Mahapuran, Vidhveshwar Sanhita, Page 24 - 26 in which separated from Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and Maheshwar, another Sadashiv has been specified, and Rudra Sahita, Adhyay 6, 7 and 9, Page no. 100 to 105 and 110, interpreter Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar, Distributed from Gita Press Gorakhpur; and Sacred book Shrimad' Devi Mahapuran, Third Skand, Page no. 114 to 123, Distributed from Gita Press Gorakhpur, interpreter: Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar, Chiman Lal Goswami). 

Duties of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv 

At that point Brahm keeps these three in obliviousness, and for his sustenance, gets living creatures delivered by Brahma, safeguarded by Vishnu (by creating adoration and fondness in everybody to keep them in Kaal lok) and demolished by Shiv [because Kaal Purush needs to take out the grime from the unimportant/astral bodies (Sukshm Shareer) of one-lakh individuals to eat it, in view of the impact of the revile on him. For that there is a bit of shake (tapatshila) in the twenty-first brahmand, which consequently stays hot. On that he dissolves the grime and after that eats it. Individuals don't kick the bucket however the torment is insufferable. At that point, on the premise of their activities (karmas), stipends different bodies to the living beings]. For instance, there are three rooms in a house. In the event that in one room, there are profane pictures on the divider, at that point on going into that room, comparable disgusting musings manifest as a primary concern. In the second room, if there are pictures of sages, holy people and enthusiasts, at that point great musings continue developing in the brain and one likewise stays engaged in the contemplations of God. In the third room, if there are pictures of loyalists and saints then comparable enthusiastic and fanatical contemplations emerge as a primary concern. Also, Brahm (Kaal) with his insight has made the previously mentioned three spots overwhelming in the three qualities (gunas).

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1. How were the Souls Got in Kaal's Trap

Jyoti Niranjan's Want and Reflection 

After quite a while, Kshar Purush (Jyoti Niranjan) believed that we three (Achint – Akshar Purush – Kshar Purush) are living in one dweep and others are living in their own different dweeps. I will likewise gain a different dweep by contemplation. Having arranged this, he thought by remaining on one leg for 70 yugas (ages). 

How were the Souls Got in Kaal's Trap 

Essential: - When Brahm (Jyoti Niranjan) was pondering, we as a whole souls who now live in Jyoti Niranjan's twenty-one (21) brahmands, got pulled in towards his contemplation and began cherishing him from the center. We got isolated from our satisfaction giving God. Because of which, we bombed in our dedication towards our Lord. God Kabir cautioned us more than once yet even on being over and over cautioned by the Preeminent God, we didn't get diverted from Kshar Purush. 
{This impact is available even today in production of Kaal. Like youthful kids get pulled in towards the phony demonstrations of filmstars (performing artists and on-screen characters) and the pretended by them for their living. They don't stop on being controlled. On the off chance that any performer or on-screen character arrives in an adjacent city, at that point perceive how a gigantic horde of those silly youths assembles there just to have a look at them; when they don't have anything to do with them. Performers are procuring their business, and adolescents are getting destroyed. Regardless of how much their folks may attempt to debilitate them, yet the youngsters don't pay notice and continue going some place at some point secretively}. 
God Kabir asked Kshar Purush, "Let me know, what do you need?" Kshar Purush stated, "Father, this place is inadequate for me. Compassionately give me a different island". God Kabir gave him 21 (twenty-one) brahmands. After some time, Jyoti Niranjan imagined that some development ought to be done in it. What is the utilization of empty brahmands (plots)? Thinking this, he reflected for 70 yugas and asked for Incomparable God Kabir for some development material. Sat Purush gave him three qualities and five components with which Brahm (Jyoti Niranjan) did some development in his brahmands. At that point he believed that there ought to likewise be some living creatures in these brahmands, as I feel solitary. With this goal, he again pondered for 64 (sixty-four) yugas. On being asked by the Incomparable God, he said that give me a few souls, I feel forlorn here. At that point God Kabir said that Brahm, I can give you more brahmands for your contemplation yet can't give you My souls as a byproduct of any reflection or dedication. Truly, if any of the souls needs to run with you enthusiastically, at that point one can go. 

Jyoti Niranjan requested that the souls go with him 

On hearing God Kabir's words, Jyoti Niranjan went to every one of us. We as a whole souls were at that point pulled in towards him. We encompassed him. Jyoti Niranjan stated, "I have gotten 21 brahmands from Father. There, I have manufactured a few attracting places. Will you accompany me?" We as a whole souls who are today enduring in these 21 brahmands said that we are prepared, if Father licenses. Kshar Purush went to God Kabir and let him know everything. At that point God Kabir said that I will permit those to go with you, who will give assent before me. 

Souls assented to run with Kshar Purush (Jyoti Niranjan) 

Kshar Purush and God Kabir both went to every one of us souls. God Kabir said that whichever soul needs to run with Brahm should give his assent by raising his hand. No one challenged before Father. No one gave assent. There was stick drop hush for quite a while. From there on, one soul challenged and stated, "Father, I need to go". And after that in impersonation of him, every single other soul [who are presently caught in Kaal's (Brahm's) 21 brahmands] gave assent as well. God Kabir disclosed to Jyoti Niranjan that you go to your place. I will send each one of those souls who have offered agree to you. Jyoti Niranjan went to his 21 brahmands. Up till now these 21 brahmands were in Satlok as it were. 

The Beginning of Durga (Prakriti Devi) 

Afterward, God Kabir gave a young lady's appearance to the spirit who gave the principal assent, however did not make any female privates. He embedded every one of the souls (who had agreed to run with Jyoti Niranjan/Brahm) in that young lady's body and named her Ashtra (Aadi Maya/Prakriti Devi/Durga), and said that girl, I have allowed you 'word control'. You may create the same number of living creatures as Brahm says. 

Sahaj Das takes Durga to Jyoti Niranjan 

God Kabir asked His child Sahaj Das to take Prakriti Devi to Jyoti Niranjan. Sahaj Das disclosed to Jyoti Niranjan that Father has embedded every one of those souls who had assented to run with you in this present sister's body and has conceded 'word' energy to her. Prakriti will create the same number of living creatures as you need with her oath control. In the wake of saying this Sahaj Das came back to his island. 

Jyoti Niranjan tries to attack Durga 

The young lady, being youthful, looked lovely. Sexual wants emerged in Brahm and he began getting into mischief with Prakriti Devi (Durga). Durga said that Jyoti Niranjan I have the energy of word, conceded by Father. I will create the same number of living creatures as you will state. Kindly don't begin the custom of intercourse. You have additionally begun from a similar Father's statement, from an egg, and I have likewise started from that same Preeminent Father's assertion after that. You are my senior sibling. This demonstration between a sibling and a sister will prompt an offensive sin. In any case, Jyoti Niranjan overlooked all interests of Prakriti Devi and by his assertion control made female private parts on her body with his nails and attempted to assault her. Quickly, Durga, with a specific end goal to spare herself and finding no other way out, obtained a smaller than normal shape and by means of Jyoti Niranjan's opened mouth, went into his stomach. From that point, she asked for God Kabir to spare her. 

Jyoti Niranjan rebuffed for misbhevaiour 

In a flash, on hearing supplication of Prakriti Devi, God Kabir, procuring the presence of His own child Yog Santayan assumed name Jogjit, showed up there, removed the young lady from Brahm's stomach and said that Jyoti Niranjan, starting now and into the foreseeable future you will be called 'Kaal'. You will have births and passings and subsequently, your name will be Kshar Purush. You will eat one-lakh people and create a lakh and a quarter day by day. You both, alongside the 21 brahmands, are ousted from here. Promptly, 21 brahmands began moving from that point like an air ship, passed Sahaj Das' island and came 16 sankh Kos (one Kos is around 3 k.m.) far from Satlok and halted. 

Unique portrayal: - Up to this point there has been a depiction of three forces. 

1. Purna Brahm (Incomparable Brahm) who is additionally known by other comparative names, as Kavir Dev (God Kabir) Sat Purush, Akaal Purush, Shabd Swaroopi Slam, Param Akshar Brahm/Purush and so on. This Purna Brahm is the Ace of unending brahmands and is interminable actually. 
2. Standard Brahm, who is otherwise called Akshar Purush. He isn't undying in all actuality. He is the ace of seven sankh brahmands. 
3. Brahm, who is otherwise called Jyoti Niranjan, Kaal, Kael, Kshar Purush and Dharmrai and so forth; he is the ace of just twentyone brahmands. 
Presently further a presentation of one brahmand of this current Brahm's (Kaal) creation will be given, in which you will discover three more names - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv. 
Contrast amongst Brahm and Brahma - Subsequent to making three mystery puts in one brahmand's most astounding spot, Brahm (Kshar Purush) himself lives in Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv frame and with the participation of his significant other Prakriti (Durga) offers ascend to three children. He keeps their names as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv as it were. Brahma, who is the child of Brahm, is the priest (ace) of Rajgun division in just three loks (Earth, Paradise, and NetherWorld) in one brahmand. He is called Trilokiye (of the three loks) Brahma. What's more, Brahm, who lives in Brahmlok in Brahma-shape, is called as MahaBrahma, and Brahmlokiye (Brahma of Brahm lok) Brahma. This very Brahm (Kaal) is likewise called SadaShiv, MahaShiv, and MahaVishnu. 
Proof in Shri Vishnu Puran: - Section 4 Adhyay 1 on Page 230-231 Shri Brahma ji said - The unborn, all-containing, ordainer Incomparable God whose starting, center, end, frame, nature and substance we can't know. (Shlok 83) 
Who by procuring my frame makes the world; at the season of conservation who is as Purush, and who in Rudra shape swallows the world; he holds the whole universe in a perpetual shape. (Shlok 86)
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Deepak Kumar

Formation of Nature/Universe

Introduction - Creation of Nature 

A Conclusive Description of 'Formation of Nature' with confirmations from all the Holy Scriptures 

At the point when God cherishing souls will read the accompanying 'Formation of Nature' out of the blue, they will feel this is an outlandish story. Yet, on perusing the confirmations from all the heavenly evident sacred writings they will chomp their fingers between their teeth that where was this credible nectar-like learning concealed uptil now? It would be ideal if you continue perusing with tolerance and guard this holy learning. It will be valuable for your next hundred and one ages. 

Blessed souls! Generously first comprehend the position of everybody and afterward read the first information of the making of nature by the godlike God. 

1. Purna Brahm: - Purna Brahm or 'Incomparable God' is the controller of limitless brahmands. In this present Nature's Creation, This same Purna Brahm is additionally tended to as 

Sat Purush - Master (Lord) of Satlok 

Alakh Purush - Master (Lord) of Alakh lok, 

Agam Purush - Master (Lord) of Agam lok, and 

Anami Purush - Master (Lord) of Anami lok 

All the over 4 are assignments of the same Supreme God as indicated by the 'lok' He is available in. Incomparable God by securing diverse distinctive structures lives in the greater part of His four loks, and is the controller of endless brahmands. 

2.Par Brahm: - He is the Master (Lord) of just seven sankh brahmands. He is otherwise called Akshar Purush. Be that as it may, as a general rule he, and also his brahmands are not endless. 

3. Brahm: - He is the Master (Lord) of just twenty-one brahmands. He is known as Kshar Purush, Jyoti Niranjan, or Kaal. He and the majority of his brahmands are perishable. (The proof of the previously mentioned three Purushs (divine beings) is likewise in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 16-17.) 

4. Brahma: - He is the eldest child of Brahm. Vishnu is the center child and Shiv is the last, the third child of Brahm. These three children of Brahm are the experts (Lord) of just a single office (guna) each in one brahmand and are perishable. For striking portrayal, please read the 'Making of Nature' said underneath. 

Formation of Nature 

Preeminent God Kabir has Himself given the learning of the nature made by Him in Sukshm Ved i.e. Kabir Vaani (Kabir Speech) which is as per the following- 

Before all else, there was just a single place called 'Anami (Anamay) Lok' (put is tended to as 'Lok' in Hindi), which is otherwise called Akah Lok. The Supreme God used to live alone in the Anami lok. The genuine name of that God is Kavir Dev i.e. God Kabir. Every one of the souls were contained in the body of that Supreme God Kabir. 

This Kavir Dev's assigned name in Anami Lok is Anami ('Purush' implies God. God has made man in His own particular picture/frame. That is the reason a man is otherwise called 'Purush' in Hindi/Sanskrit.) The shine of one hair follicle of Anami Purush is more than the consolidated light of One Hundred Quadrillion (in Indian numeral framework, 1 sankh = 100 quadrillion) suns (Sun is a splendid star in our nearby planetary group and is being utilized as a benchmark for lumination for purpose of examination). 

God Kabir at that point made three other lower Loks (places), to be specific Agam Lok, Alakh Lok and Satlok with the energy of word. 

Critical: - to comprehend the idea promote it is basic to refer to this case. For example, the name of a nation's Prime Minister is unique, and the title of his post is 'Executive'. Ordinarily, the Prime Minister likewise keeps numerous offices with him like home service or the barrier service. At that point whichever office's records he signs, around then he composes a similar post. For instance, on the off chance that he signs the archives of Home Ministry, at that point he thinks of himself as the Home Minister. All things considered the energy of the mark of a similar individual is less contrasted with the Prime Minister however actually it is a similar individual. Moreover, there is distinction in the shine of God Kabir (Kavir Dev) in various loks and He has diverse assignment. 

This Almighty God Kabir at exactly that point showed up in Agam Lok and is likewise the Master of Agam lok and there His title is Agam Purush. This 'Agam' God's human-like noticeable body is brilliant. The light of whose one hair follicle is more than the joined light of One Hundred Billion (1 kharab = 100 Billion) suns. 

Omnipotent God Kabir at that point showed up in Alakh Lok and He Himself is additionally the Master of Alakh Lok, and over yonder His title is 'Alakh Purush'. This present God's human-like unmistakable body is extremely luminous, is self-lit up. The light of his one hair follicle is more than the light of One Billion (1 Bedouin = 1 Billion) suns. 

This exceptionally Supreme God at that point showed up in Satlok and He is additionally the Master of Satlok. Thusly, His title in Satlok is Sat Purush (the Immortal/Eternal God). This Sat Purush is additionally referred to by numerous different names, for example, Akaal murti,Shabd Swaroopi Ram, Purna Brahm, Param Akshar Brahm and so on. This Sat Purush Kavir Dev's (God Kabir's) human-like unmistakable body is brilliant whose one hair follicle's splendor is more than the joined light of crore (10 million) suns and moons. 

Encourage Creation in Satlok and 16 children 

This God Kabir, in the wake of showing up in Sat Purush shape in Satlok did other creation in Satlok. 

With single word, He made sixteen dweeps (islands). At that point with sixteen words, offered ascend to sixteen children. He made one Mansarover (a major lake in Satlok named Maansarover) and filled it with nectar. The names of the sixteen children are: - (1) "Kurm", (2) "Gyani", (3) "Vivek", (4) "Tej", (5) "Sahaj", (6) "Santosh", (7) "Surati", (8) "Anand", (9) "Kshma", (10) "Nishkaam", (11) "Jalrangi", (12) "Achint", (13) "Prem", (14) "Dayaal", (15) "Dhairya", (16) "Yog Santayan" assumed name "Yogjit". 

Making of Akshar Purush (Par Brahm) and Kaal 

Sat Purush Kavir Dev depended whatever is left of Satlok's creation work to His child, Achint, and gave him the ability to do it. Achint made Akshar Purush (Par Brahm) with the energy of word and approached him for help. Akshar Purush went to Mansarover to scrub down, began getting a charge out of there and nodded off. He didn't turn out for quite a while. At that point Achint asked for God Kabir to help wake up Akshar Purush. On Achint's ask for, to wake Akshar Purush from rest, God Kabir took some nectar from that Mansarover and influenced an egg to out of it. He embedded a spirit into it and put that egg in the 'nectar' water of Mansarover. The thunder of the egg aggravated Akshar Purush's rest. He took a gander at the egg in outrage and the egg broke into two parts. From it, turned out Jyoti Niranjan (Kshar Purush) who later came to be known as 'Kaal'. As a matter of fact, his name is 'Kael'. At that point, SatPurush Kavir Dev requested (through an ethervoice) them two to live in Achint's island. In the wake of getting the consent, both Akshar Purush and Kshar Purush (Kael) began living in Achint's island. (This was done to demonstrate the youngsters their stupidity, so they don't need for control since nothing can be accomplished without the Almighty). 

At that point the Supreme God Kavir Dev Himself did all the creation. With His pledge control, He made a Rajeshwari (Rashtri) Shakti (control) and with which He set up all the brahmands. This is otherwise called Parashakti Paranandni. He at that point delivered every one of the souls in human frame like Himself, from inside Him, by the energy of His assertion. 

He made the body of each spirit like Himself and its splendor equal to that of sixteen suns and in human like shape. Be that as it may, God's body's one hair follicle has the brilliance more than that of crore suns (in Satlok).
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Deepak Kumar

Is love of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Ganesh illegal by Satguru Rampal Ji?

Step by step instructions to Love to accomplish Moksh/Freedom 

There is a misguided judgment among the majority that Jagat Master Rampal Ji Maharaj denies the love of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, Durga and so on. Garib Das Ji Maharaj says

"गरीब, तीनो देवा दिल में बसे, ब्रह्मा विष्णु महेश प्रथम इनकी वंदना फिर सुन सतगुरु उपदेश" 

The line above by Garib Das Ji discusses doing sadhana of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv. Thus Jagat Master Rampal Ji really shows every one of his devotees about the right method for doing "Sadhana" of Braham-Savitri, Vishnu-Lakshmi, Shiv-Parvati, Durga, and Ganesh amid the principal start. 

Jagat Master Rampal Ji recognizes these Divine beings (Brahma, VIshnu, Shiv and so forth) from the Incomparable God (Kabir Sahib/Kavir Dev). From our Heavenly Sacred writings (Vedas, Gita, Shri Master Granth Sahib, Book of scriptures, Quran and different Purans), He offers confirmation to help the announcements.

As a matter of first importance, please pick up the information of the nearness of these Divine beings in our body. Each individual has lotuses or chakras in their body whether they are male or female(Both). There are seven(7) chakras(चक्र ) in the body. These reach out along the length of the vertebral coloumn and lie foremost to it. These have a place with various divinities. Regardless of whether somebody is a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or a Christian or has a place with some other in all religion, the lotuses/Chakras(कमल ) are the same.

Point by point Depiction of Body Chakras/Kamals/Lotuses 

There are six kamal (lotuses) in the human body (material body). The spine closes close to the rear-end. Two-finger expansiveness over that —

1. Mool Kamal (Chakra) – Ganesh Ji lives in this. This lotus has four petals. At that point around two-finger expansiveness over the Mool Kamal, along the spine, on the inward side is —

2. Swaad Kamal (Chakra) - in which live Brahma and Savitri(Both). This lotus has six(6) petals(पँखुड़िया ).

3. Naabhi Kamal (Chakra) – Over the Swaad Chakra, before the umbilicus along spine, is Naabhi Kamal. God Vishnu and Lakshmi live in this. It has eight(8) petals(पँखुड़िया ).

4. Hridya Kamal (Chakra) – Over the Naabhi Kamal(नाभी ), behind the heart is a Hridya(हृदय ) Kamal. God Shiv Parvati(both) live in this. This Hridya(हृदय ) Kamal (Chakra) has twelve petals.

5. Kanth Kamal (Chakra) – Over the Hridya Kamal is Kanth Kamal, which is close and behind the throat, adhered to the spine. In this, lives, Prakriti Devi (आष्टांगी /दूर्गा  माता ). This Lotus(कमल ) has sixteen(16) petals.

6. Trikuti Kamal (Chakra) – Over the Kanth Kamal is Trikuti Kamal(त्रिकुटी  कमल ). It has two(2) petals(पँखुड़िया ) (one is white(श्वेत ) and the other is of dark shading). The Purna Parmatma lives in this. Like the sun notwithstanding when arranged far away continues applying its effect on the body of each being, however is visibe just with eyes. Here, we need to surmise along these lines. What's more, the Purna Parmatma likewise lives in the internal identity with the spirit. Like, a string involves the entire fabric and there is additionally other weaving which is available just in some part.

7. Sahansrar Kamal (Chakra) – Over the Trikuti Kamal, where one keeps a best bunch, in that place on the internal side is Sahansrar Kamal where Jyoti Niranjan (in type of light in thousand(1000) petals), Kaal (काल ) himself lives. This lotus(कमल )  has one thousand petals.

One needs to open these chakras by recitation of mantras of the individual gods. Each of the divinity has a mantra, by recitation of which, an admirer pays back the obligation (which we owe as these are the Divine beings who give us the fundamental necessities to survival in this world) and once that obligation is paid, the chakras open. Yogis endeavor to open these Kamals/Chakras by method for contemplation which is really a verbose and a wrong way and is never effective. The best way to open these Kamals/Chakras is by getting the mantras of these Gods from a "Total Holy person". This is the thing that Jagat Master Rampal Ji Maharaj provides for his fans.

Step by step instructions to Accomplish Moksha/Freedom 

To accomplish moksha, one needs to acquire start (naam) from an Entire Holy person. A Total Holy person gives start (naam) in 3 phases.

In the principal arrange, Brahm Gayatri mantra is given, which is to open the Lotuses of the gods which has been depicted above in detail.

In the second stage Satnaam is given, which is of two mantras. One is (Om) + second is Tat which is coded, is just advised to an admirer. This is to clear the obligation of "Kaal" and to pay for the cost of intersection the "Bhanwar Gufa" in Standard Barhm's lok. This is depicted in additionally detail beneath.

In the third stage Saarnaam is given, which is of three mantras. Om + Tat + Sat (Tat – Sat are coded which will be advised just to the admirer). This mantra is to get a lasting spot in Satlok.

So Jagat Master Rampal Ji doesn't forbid the love of these Divine beings. He really confers the right method for venerate.

To achieve Moksha, one needs to cross the twelfth way to enter the SachKhand/Satlok/Unceasing Spot 

After death the spirit begins its excursion from the "Mool Kamal/Chakra" advancing to "Swaad Kamal/Chakra", at that point to "Naabhi Kamal/Chakra", at that point to "Hriday Kamal/Chakra", at that point to "Kanth Kamal/Chakra" lastly to the "Trikuti Kamal/Chakra".

From Trikuti Kamal there is a route towards a bolted entryway which is known as the "tenth Entryway". The bolt on this entryway must be opened by the recitation of "Satnaam" (a Genuine Mantra given by a Total Holy person). This entryway opens in to "Kaal's own Lok (Universe)". This "Kaal" is otherwise called "Brahm". Thus Kaal's own lok is otherwise called "Brahm Lok". This is the point of confinement of Kaal (Brahm) Lok.

From here there is an entryway called the "eleventh Entryway" which opens in to the universes of "Standard Brahm" (Ace of 7 sankh Brahmands/universes). This way called the "Bhanwar Gufa" at long last prompts the"12th Entryway" which opens in to Satlok/Sachkhand/Endless Place.
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Deepak Kumar

Why and How is expending tobacco an obstacle in accomplishing God?

Utilization of tobacco has been depicted as the most wicked act and the greatest deterrent in accomplishing God. Notwithstanding offering tobacco to somebody is very evil. The individuals who love yet additionally expend tobacco or liquor can never achieve God. Perhaps this is the reason tobacco is prohibited in Sikhism and isn't cosumed by Sikhs.

Section 1: God's Discipline for Devouring Tobacco 

Section 2: Why Tobacco is an Impediment in Accomplishing God?

Section 3: Cause of Tobacco (तमाखू) - in God's Discourse - How tobacco (तमा + खू = तमाखू) started? What is it and How Tobacco is an Impediment in Accomplishing God?

Section 4: Garibdas Maharaj Ji's Vani on Tobacco

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Deepak Kumar

Would god be able to excuse our Evil Deeds

क्या परमात्मा के द्वारा पाप कर्म काटे जा सकते है और पाप नष्ट कर सकता है? 

The general agreement among holy people and rishis is that God can't pardon our wrongdoings. Every one of them trust that we need to tolerate the hardships in life which are because of results of sins we have either done in the past lives or the present life. They trust that is the best way to dispose of the terrible karma. They trust that कर्म तो भोगने से ही कट सकता है। (karm to bhogne se hey kat sakta hai).

Master Bhraspati's perspectives on Karma 

In Shrimad Devi Bhagwad (distributed by Gita Press Gorakhpur) Even Master Bharaspati says to the Divine beings that the awful deeds done before and past lives must be depleted by bearing the evil impacts in the present life.

Master Shukracharya's perspectives on Karma 

Like insightful in the same Puran, the Master of Raakshas (devils) i.e. Master Shukracharya says to the devils that you should debilitate the awful deeds by bearing them in your present life. They can't be pardoned.

This is however direct inverse to what is specified in the Heavenly Vedas which says that God can pardon sins. This demonstrates even the Gurudev of Divine beings and evil spirits did not have the entire information.

What is reality 

Yajur Ved plainly portrays that God can pardon your wrongdoings.

Yajurved Adhyay 8 Mantra 13

Yajurved Adhyay 8 Mantra 13 says various circumstances that God can pardon sins, even the most intolerable sins can be excused by God.

Just a Genuine Master (Satguru) who gives the Genuine Naam (Satnaam) of God can enable one to dispose of the past sins by giving genuine and right love as per our Blessed Sacred texts.

Kabir Sahib says: 

कबीर,जबही सत्यनाम हृदय धरयो,भयो पापको नास।

मानौं चिनगी अग्निकी, परी पुराने घास।।

The Genuine Name (satnaam) of God can annihilate sins like fire destoys dry grass.
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