Deepak Kumar

Who is God

 Kavir(कवीर ) Dev/Kabir Sahib/Allah(अल्लाह ) Kabir/Allahu Akbar/Hakka Kabir/Holy person Kabir

Incomparable God, Purna Brahm (पूर्ण ब्रह्म), Maker, remover of all sufferings, Anghaari (adversary of sins), Bambhaari (foe of subjugation), Bandichhor (Emancipator from servitude), destroyer of sins, this God is Param Akshar Brahm (परम अक्षर ब्रह्म). His genuine name is Kavir Dev (कविर देव), Allahu Akbar (अल्लाह-हु-अक्बर). He is otherwise called Hakka Kabir (ਹੱਕਾ ਕਬੀਰ). 

Allahu Akbar, Hakka Kabir, Kabir Dev are on the whole synonymous names of that same God in various dialects. That God Himself originates from Satlok to influence His dear souls to free from sufferings, to free them from the subjugation of Kaal, to support and enhance the spirit with the abundance of love (Bhakti भक्ति). His name is Kavir Dev. He is likewise called Kabir Sahib (कबीर साहिब). 

God Kabir's appearance on earth (1398 - 1518ईस्वी ) 

In Kalyug, in the year 1398 (Vikrami Samvat 1455) on Jeth Sudhi Purnima that Preeminent God getting a type of a newborn child showed up on a develop lotus bloom in the Lahar Tara lake in the heavenly city Kashi (Banaras) on the blessed earth of India. A childless  couple took Him. God step by step experienced childhood in His heavenly body, and after that began doing the fatherly work of a weaver of His alleged guardians. Also, that same Incomparable God, Param Akshar Brahm, ended up plainly celebrated as a "Dhaanak/धानक" (weaver) in Banaras i.e. came to be known as a weaver. We as a whole souls have a place with that Param Akshar Brahm. We as a whole are His youngsters. We have begun from that Preeminent God's pledge. We have left His body. What's more, that God just has given us the type of a spirit. 

God Kabir in Vedas 

KavirDev Himself comes as His emissary and Himself conveys His sound learning (Genuine Tattavgyan). 

Yajurved Adhyay 29 Mantra 25 


One, who brings and gives the solid/sound information i.e. the genuine bhakti of the Purna Parmatma who is caring and the genuine companion of a living being, as an ambassador is Himself Kabir 

Samved in Sankhya 1400 Sankhya 359 Samved Adhyay(सामवेद ) no. 4 Khand no. 25 Shlok no. 8 


The Completely Fit God Kabir who conveys the genuine profound learning to this world, who breaks the fortification of the subjugation of sins of Kaal-Brahm, the God who is the supplier of all the joy, is deserving of being adulated and venerated. 

Mantra Sankhya 1400 Samved Utarchik Adhyay no. 12 Khand no. 3 Shlok(श्लोक ) no. 5 

भद्रा वस्त्रा समन्या वसअनः महान् कविर् देव  निवचनानि शंसन् आवच्यस्व चम्वोः पूयमानःविचक्षणः जाग विः देव वीतौ 

Shrewd individuals, through their addresses, rather than telling the genuine way of the method for love of Purna Brahm, by coordinating towards the love of others, set up of nectar, are consciously making taste the discharge from a bubble wound i.e. wrong information of the love of others {like, phantom love, Pitra-revere, completing shraadhs, love of the three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shankar) and love of Brahm-Kaal}. Around then, the Incomparable joy giving Purna Parmatma Incredible Kabir, getting another body made up of masses of lights (tejpunj) like His body in Satyalok, shows up in body in a customary clothing and by living like a standard man for a couple of days in this world, clarifying the genuine learning by methods for His shabdavali and so on., realizes mindfulness the shrouded Sargun-Nirgun information of the Purna Parmatma (Preeminent God). 

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17 

शिशुम् जज्ञानम् कबीरा  हर्य तम् म जन्ति शुम्भन्ति वहिन मरूतः गणेन। कविर्गीर्भि काव्येना कविर् सन्त् सोमः पवित्राम् अत्येति रेभन्।। 

In Rigved Mandal no. 9 Sukt no 96 Mantra 16, it is said that let us know in regards to the genuine name of the Incomparable God. In this Mantra 17, that God's name and His full presentation is given. The storyteller of Ved, Brahm is stating that Incomparable God KavirDev by showing up as a phenomenal human kid clarifies His genuine, unadulterated information to His hans souls i.e. dedicated supporters by methods for His Kabir vaani by tending to i.e. expressing, through sonnets and maxims. In light of nonattendance of this Tattavgyan, not perceiving the God introduce at that point, individuals just view Him as a Rishi, Holy person or an Artist. That God Himself likewise says that I am Purna Brahm, however on the premise of lokved (society learning), trusting God to be undefined, the general population don't remember Him. 

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18 

ऋषिमना य ऋषिक त् स्वर्षाः कवीर: सहòाणीथः पदवीः कवीनाम्। त तीयम् धाम महिषः सिषा सन्त् सोमः विराजमानु राजति स्टुप्।। 

It is said in Mantra 17 that Kavir Dev secures a tyke frame. At that point, grows up while doing a leela (divine play). In Mantra 18 it is said that In light of portraying the Tattavgyan through sonnets, that Kavir Dev accomplishes the position of an artist (kavi) i.e. individuals begin calling Him Rishi, Holy person, and Kavi; in actuality, He is Incomparable God Kavir' as it were. The holy discourse formed by Him is known as Kabir Vaani, which is ameliorating like paradise to the fans. That same God building up the third lok of freedom i.e. Satyalok, is situated in shape in a splendid human-like body 

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 19 

 अपामूर्भिः सचमानः समुद्रम् तुरीयम् धाम महिषः विवक्ति।। 

In Mantra 18, it is said that Preeminent God KavirDev (Kabir Parmeshwar) lives in the third lok of freedom i.e. Satlok. It is said in this Mantra 19 that the Preeminent God who is to a great degree white-hued, who satisfies every one of the wants like Kamdhenu; as a general rule He just is the sustainer of all, the same Kavir Dev(कवीर देव ) who comes in the mortal world in a youngster frame. 

Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 20 

 धनानाम् व षेव यूथा परिकोशम् अर्षन् कनिक्रदत् चम्वोः इरा विवेश 

Purna Parmatma KavirDev (Kabir God) lives above in the third dhaam i.e. Satyalok and that same God by procuring another human-shape lives in the fourth Dhaam i.e. Anami lok. That very God, in an indistinguishable human shape with a wonderful face and whitecoloured body, likewise comes in frame on this Planet, and by making mindful about His genuine method for adore, makes a major gathering i.e. the whole gathering of aficionados rich in evident bhakti. The whole gathering of the endless supporters, by doing sadhna, with the profit of genuine bhakti accomplishes the previous lok of joy, the fortune of finish freedom i.e. Satyalok. 

Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvak(अनुवाक ) no. 1 Mantra 7 

यः-अथर्वाणम्-पित्तरम्-देवबन्धुम्-ब हस्पतिम्-नमसा-अव-च-गच्छात्-त्वम्-विश्वेषाम्-जनिता-यथा-सः-कविर्देवः-न-दभायत्-स्वधावान 

The Parmeshwar about whom it is said that — Tvamev Mata ch Pita Tvamev (You just are Mother and You just are Father), Tvamev Bandhu ch Sakha Tvamev (You just are Sibling and You just are a companion), Tvamev Vidhya ch Drvinm' Tvamev (You just are learning and riches), Tvamev sarvam' mm Dev (You just are my Most prominent Divine force of all divine beings). He, who is interminable, is the Mother, Father, Sibling, and Companion of all, who as a Jagat Master (Educator/Master of the Universe), giving genuine bhakti to everybody, takes to Satlok, who does not beguile like Kaal, who is the Maker of all the brahmands(ब्रह्माण्ड्स ) (universes), is Kavir Dev (Kabir Parmeshwar)(कबीर परमेश्वर ). 

God Kabir in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita 

Bhagavad Gita Adhyay (part) 8, Shlok (verse) 9 

An admirer, who recollects the Everlasting, Controller of all, Subtler than the subtlest, the Sustainer of all, Self-bright like the sun i.e. having a brilliant body, past the dimness of obliviousness, (Kavim) Kavir Dev (God Kabir) Sachchidanandghan Parmeshwar. 

Bhagavad Gita Adhyay (section) 8, Shlok (verse) 10 

That admirer, who is blessed with bhakti, by the power (the income of naam jaap) of the sadhna of the jaap of three mantras, while leaving the body at the season of death, achieving Trikuti, while doing the sumiran of Saarnaam by training, goes to that awesome shape i.e. splendid, unmistakable (Param Purush) Parmeshwar as it were 

God Kabir in Shri Master Granth Sahib 

Page no. 721, Raag Tilang, Mehla 1 

"हक्का कबीर करीम तू, बेएब परवरदीगार। नानक 

It has been illuminated in the previously mentioned hallowed discourse that Goodness (Hakka Kabir) Sat Kabi

Deepak Kumar

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